Many patients don’t realize that dental check-ups include much more than just your teeth. With April being Oral Cancer Awareness Month, I wanted to highlight some important facts about oral cancer and why you should visit your dentist for regular screenings.
The Facts
Oral cancer claims an average of one life every hour of every day, and about 50,000 new cases are diagnosed annually. While alcohol and tobacco use are the biggest risk factors, 25% of oral cancers are in patients with no risk factors at all.
Dentists are oral health professionals, and we look at much more than just your teeth and gums at your regular check-ups! The lips, roof of the mouth, floor of the mouth, cheeks, and even the throat and neck can exhibit symptoms of oral cancer, so these areas are included in a comprehensive oral exam.
If your dentist notices any areas of suspicion, they may recommend a biopsy or refer you to a specialist to make sure you are safe. Early detection and treatment of oral cancer yields the best chance for survival, so it’s important to see your dentist regularly!
In addition to regular screenings with your dentist, you can perform a self exam every couple months. Visit The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) info page on Oral Cancer Awareness to learn more.
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